The Global Eighteenth Century

Scientific meeting

External link
Begins on: Friday 15 February 2019.
Ends on: Saturday 16 February 2019.
Location: Tempe
Related institutions: Arizona State University
The conference will be centered around the theme, “The Global Eighteenth Century” and will feature a plenary panel to debate the question, “What Is a 'Global Eighteenth Century'?”
Our goals are several: to explore global connections and developments across the eighteenth century; to emphasize the importance of attending to such connections and developments in our research and teaching; to highlight the work that is already being done in this vein and to create an environment that encourages more of it in the future; and for that purpose, to bring together fields of eighteenth-century and early modern study that do not normally talk to each other, or not sufficiently so.
Related keywords: 18th century, Enlightenment, global history